Sevice contract



On the one hand, with VİPTOURSTURKEY.COM at La Martin Street NO: 148/3 Taksim - Beyoğlu /Istanbul, on the other hand, ................................ ...................................................................................................................... persons who will benefit from the service (hereinafterly referred to as CUSTOMER) have reached a full agreement on the following issues.


This Agreement covers the services specified in the Voucher, Tour Program/Brochure and Receipt Document, which is an annex and integral part of the Agreement.


The customer accepts, declares and undertakes that he will pay at least 35% of the reservation fee at the time of registration and the balance within 15 days at the latest following the registration date so that the registration date so that the final registration has been made, and that if the specified payments are not made within the aforementioned periods, the reservation will be canceled and pay 35% of the reservation price to VIPTOURSTURKEY.COM as withdrawal compensation.

The CUSTOMER has read and had information about the brochure containing detailed information about the qualifications, sales price and payment method and performance of the service subject to this Agreement; that he will have his passport, valid visa and identity card with him when leaving abroad, and his identity card on Cyprus tours, if the exit of the CUSTOMER is prevented from the lack of any treatment related to the passport or personal reasons arising from him (tax debt, lack of visa, not allowing any government institution, etc.) or if entry to the country is prevented due to passport, visa and similar deficiencies and/or violations in the country where he leaves from Turkey, VIPTOURSTURKEY.COM will not have any legal and/or criminal responsibility, all kinds of responsibility for baggage and content belongs to him; CUSTOMER that he is obliged to monitor and control the goods with him; that VIPTOURSTURKEY.COM or his employees have no legal and/or criminal responsibility for the items lost, theft, lost during the tour, lost, that he will not make a claim against VIPTOURSTURKEY.COM and/or VIPTOURSTURKEY.COM employees for the specified reasons; that he is obliged to comply with the laws and customs to which he will stay with the signature of this Agreement; that he will comply with the rules regarding the service purchased by the guide, facility, VIPTOURSTURKEY.COM and the transportation vehicle officials, will not endanger the safety/wholity of life and property of the third parties, and that he will be responsible for all material/moral damages that may arise if the third parties endanger the safety/integer the life and property, otherwise VIPTOURSTURKEY. That it will not perform the service subject to the contract and therefore the CUSTOMER does not have the right to return; that the extra visa transactions service, boat tour, insurance service, tour/tours, accommodation(s), food and beverage, personal expenses and all goods and services other than the program that the CUSTOMER will receive outside the scope of the Package Tour subject to this Agreement will be paid by him, that VIPTOURSTURKEY.COM is not responsible for the defective services that will occur/may occur in this case; that if the service performed is defective, he will inform the VIPTOURSTURKEY.COM official and the reasons for the end of the hotel where he stays, otherwise he will be deemed to have received and used the service, the obligation to cooperate with care and betting carefully in in case he if he stops the service, otherwise he is defeceive, the obligation to cooperate with As a matter of fact, it declares and undertakes that there will be no audio written and/or visual complaints, wishes, suggestions, requests, comments, etc. on any name and/or social media (facebook, instagram, etc.) environment (internet sites, etc.), comment pages-s-sites, forum pages-sites, audio and/or visual complaints, suggestions, requests, requests, comments, etc. on any name and/or will not share them in these environments, other than making written statements and/or VİPTOURSTURSTURKEY.COM official and/or applying to legal remedies, otherwise it will pay VIPTOURSTURKEY.COM for all damages arising from legal disputes. The CUSTOMER accepts that he is also a party to the contract on behalf of other people who will participate in the trip with him with this contract, and that he is obliged to give the information that will enable these people to participate in the trip, such as name-surname, Turkish identity number, that he is also responsible and responsible for informing other participants about the scope of preliminary information and brochures made to him, that the brochure given to him is deemed to have been given to the participants, that he is the direct addressee of any complaints and requests that may occur if he does not fulfill his specified obligations and responsibilities or fulfills incompletely, and VIPTOURSTURKEY.COM is not responsible. VIPTOURSTURKEY.COM accepts, declares and undertakes that the information specified in the brochure and the issues regulated in this Agreement are parallel.

Except for the fault of the CUSTOMER, an unexpected and unpreventable behavior of a third party, force majeure (negative weather conditions, road barrier, strike, terrorism, fog, war possibility, unpredictable technical issues, etc.), the occurrence of an unforeseeable and unprevented event even though VIPTOURSTURKEY.COM/independent service provider shows all the necessary care, and in these cases, the CUSTOMER's right to compensation is not arise; If VIPTOURSTURKEY.COM violates the agreement partially or completely, VIPTOURSTURKEY.COM will be responsible for the damages suffered by the CUSTOMER, without prejudice to the compulsory insurance provisions defined in the Law No. 1618.... In cases within the responsibility of VIPTOURSTURKEY.COM, it can compensate the changes against the CUSTOMER in accordance with the provisions of the TÜRSAB Kütahya Schedule, as well as compensate the CUSTOMER with additional and/or alternative regulations that are not included in the price and given to the CUSTOMER during the service. The fact that additional or substitute services have been received or consumed by the CUSTOMER eliminates the CUSTOMER's refund and compensation rights. In cases of baggage loss and damage caused by the serious defect of VIPTOURSTURKEY.COM in package tours including air transportation; Provided that the CUSTOMER has a loss or damage report issued to VIPTOURSTURKEY.COM, compensation will be taken in accordance with the provisions of the Montreal Convention, which is an international contract.


VİPTOURSTURKEY.COM, which prevents the start or continuation of the tour despite having shown all the necessary care; VIPTOURSTURKEY.COM cannot be held responsible for the lack of a record as much as the required number of passengers and/or for adverse weather conditions, road barriers, strike, terror, fog, possibility of war, unforeseen technical issues and cancellations and delays made by the carrier companies. Accordingly, VIPTOURSTURKEY.COM can make any changes in the program, fees and transport vehicles, cancel or posting the tour. This situation will be notified by VIPTOURSTURKEY.COM to the CUSTOMER through a written or permanent data beard when the beginning of the tour is at least 1 day and the CUSTOMER will not be entitled to compensation under any name for this reason.

In the event that the CUSTOMER terminates the Agreement up to 30 days before the start of the service, the entire price paid, except for the costs arising from taxes, fees and similar legal obligations that must be paid, will be returned to him.

The CUSTOMER accepts, declares and undertakes to pay 35% of the tour price to VIPTOURSTURKEY.COM if he cancels the contract when there are 29-21 days before the start of the service, and if he cancels it less than 20 days before the service. Requests for a change of date made by the CUSTOMER will be notified in writing, taking into account the above-mentioned periods.

The CUSTOMER may transfer the service to a third party who fulfills the package tour conditions by notifying them in writing or through a permanent data store up to 7 days before the start of the service. The transferee is responsible for all expenses incurred due to the balance and transfer, together with the transfer. The CUSTOMER is obliged to submit all termination/transfer requests to VIPTOURSTURKEY.COM in writing before the beginning of the service.

In the event that the CUSTOMER does not notify in writing that he will participate in the service he missed, VİPTOURSTURKEY.COM has the right to cancel all reservations and services made on behalf of the CUSTOMER after 24 hours and to terminate the Agreement. In such cases, no refund will be made to the CUSTOMER. If the CUSTOMER declares that he will participate in the service again within 24 hours from the beginning of the service, the difference fees arising from the service fees of the transportation will be paid by the CUSTOMER.

Unused transportation, accommodation, sightseeing trips, etc. rights are not refundable.

The report shows the discomforts/deaths of the CUSTOMER itself or his first degree relatives that prevent the 10-day henual activity that does not exist at the time of reservation, and the written submission of the documents related to other situations that the CUSTOMER cannot foresee despite the full care of this before the start of the service is an exception of this article, and in such a case, the costs arising from the compulsory taxes, fees and similar legal obligations to be paid and the documentable and non-refundable costs paid to third parties, will be returned to the CUSTOMER within 14 days without deduction.

VIPTOURSTURKEY.COM may partially or completely cancel the tours announced or registered with the condition of notifying the CUSTOMER before the start of the service. During the same time or during the service, VIPTOURSTURKEY.COM can change the hotel names within the scope of the service, the means of transportation and their departure places, the places specified in the program and shown as the place to visit. If the CUSTOMER does not accept these changes and cancellations for just cause reasons, the CUSTOMER can use one of the following 3 (three) optional rights by notifying that he has canceled his reservation for 2 working days with a written or permanent data store: In this case, the CUSTOMER; (1) he has the right to receive a refund of the service fee that is not consumed by returning from the contract without paying compensation, (2) if he wants, he has the right to participate in another package tour with an additional price equal to or higher than the price paid by VIPTOURSTURKEY.COM (if any), (3) if he chooses a lower price package tour, he has the right to be returned to be returned to him.


If the service is a Package Tour, the cases where the Package Tour is missing or not given at all are the 12th of Law No. 1618. It is covered by insurance in accordance with the article. The coverage is as much as the Package Tour price. If the CUSTOMER wishes, before the Package Tour and/or accommodation service starts at his own expense, in case of accident and illness, the return costs to the departure point and the damage and treatment costs arising from all kinds of accidents. If one or more articles of this Agreement are deemed invalid for any reason, the other provisions of the Agreement will not be affected by this invalidity and will remain in force.

Since the contact information such as address, telephone, e-mail shared by the CUSTOMER during the contract establishment will be used for the notifications mentioned in the contract, the responsibility of not notifying the changes in the contact information belongs to the CUSTOMER.

CUSTOMER, about the services, advertisements, advertisements, campaigns and activities related to the brands and suppliers of VİPTOURSTURKEY.COM and the organizations it operates with, and the organizations with which it cooperates; It consents to be informed to the side and to share commercial electronic messages with him in accordance with the Law No. 6563. If the CUSTOMER wants to cancel his consent, he will notify VIPTOURSTURKEY.COM's communication channels in this agreement and VIPTOURSTURKEY.COM will terminate the information. Turkish Law will be applied in any dispute arising from the performance of this Agreement and Ankara Courts and Enforcement Offices will be authorized. This Agreement, which consists of six (5) articles three (4) pages, was negotiated in detail by the parties and signed in a single copy, and the original photocopy was submitted to the CUSTOMER and entered into force on the date of signature.